Life After the Wall INC

Mission Statement Rewrite for Life After the Wall Nonprofit:

At Life After the Wall, our mission is to implement transformative programs focused on prevention and diversion for high-risk youth and previously incarcerated individuals. We aim to reduce entry and re-entry into the criminal justice system by fostering character development through accountability, responsibility, and informed decision-making.

Our vision includes creating effective programs that educate, guide, and support individuals on their journey toward rehabilitation and successful reintegration into society. By equipping participants with essential life skills and providing pathways to meaningful employment opportunities, we empower them to navigate life’s challenges and achieve lasting success within their communities.

Verwandte UN-SDGs

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Causes supported

Wissen Und Bildung

Areas of Impact


Key Numbers

Number of employees
Number of volunteers
Active since
About the nonprofit
Unser Mannschaft
Romado Stephens
United States
Rotia Stephens
United States
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