Organization for Disabled Improvement and Rights (ODIR)

Mission and Vision:

To emerge as a centre of excellence through

multidimensional activities to explore and develop

full potential of each individual with special needs

to integrate them into the society.


To provide education, training and therapy for rehabilitation of

the children and youth with special needs

To generate awareness about disabilities in the society.

To provide professional degrees and training for parents,

teachers and professionals; and carry out research for


To promote equal opportunities, protection of rights and full

participation of person with special need.

Detail objectives and goal of the organization:

The organization subject to approval of the concerned

authority shall implement the following objectives and


To work for the betterment of the local people. To run the cleaning,

plantation program and family planning workshop in view of limiting the

population and to increase all kinds of social, physical and mental

awareness of people in the local area.

To set up education centers for children and disable people to remove

illiteracy and avail vocational education and to adopt rehabilitation


To run welfare and rehabilitation program for poor and destitute

freedom fighter/female freedom fighters.

To provide help towards disabled for education, training and


To provide humanitarian service to the people affected by natural

climate as well as to take different programs for rehabilitation and

treatment of people.

To provide scholarship to orphan and poor students, and to help them

with academic instruments and financial cooperation.

To run maternity and child health project.

To increase public awareness in regard of stopping child marriage,

polygamy and violence to women including abolition of dowry custom.

To provide legal assistance to women victim of violence, divorce and to

help the destitute women, and to arrange socio-economical development

and rehabilitation for them.

To set up rehabilitation and child care center for adult, physically disable

and mentally challenge

To make people aware of bad affect and misuse of intoxicating and to

rehabilitate them.

To arrange different vocational training locally for self employment of

unemployed youth.

To provide medical assistance and supply medicines and equipments

and given medical guidelines and increase health awareness and


To provide training on handicraft to the poor and destitute people and

make them fit to earning.

To supply sewing machine, duck-poultry, goat etc to destitute women

and widows to make them fit to earning.

To help for production and marketing of food and agricultural goods.

To provide help to fathers in the event of marriage of their adult girls

and to help in burial activities of the deceased.

To distribute warm cloths amongst poor and destitute people and supply

foodstuff to them on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha or to provide them financial help.

To take every effort to develop environment, maintain natural balance,

maintain plantation, develop and helpful insects and germs, maintain

wildlife, prevent environment pollution and to extend assistance to the


To take measures to help poor and helpless children.

To create ambition amongst the people of the country to study religious

books and gain knowledge. To run library and research center

comprising of local, foreign, national and international development

affairs newspaper, magazine, journal and books.

To conduct operations jointly with other organization to facilitate the

activities. To establish developmental relation with government and non-

government organization. To arrange research, meeting, training and

workshop, development affairs seminar and symposium.

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