Accelerate Corporate Social Responsibility with Remote Volunteering

Create long-lasting positive impact - for the world, and the lives of those who work for you. By giving your employees the chance to volunteer their skills, you can build a rewarding work culture that attracts, and retains, the very best talent.

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Give time. Your employees give their skills.

  • Skills Volunteering is about allowing your employees to give back to society, and the world.
  • As a company, you donate your employees' work time - it can be as little as one or two days per year.
  • Through our platform, they can apply their hard-earned skills to work with nonprofits, and make a big impact on causes they're passionate about.

Inspire. Support. Thrive.

  • Allowing your employees to volunteer enriches their lives and provides them with greater purpose and meaning
  • An inspiring workplace fosters inspired employees, who will want to contribute even more to your company's success
  • Greater satisfaction helps attract, and hold on to, a dedicated and motivated workforce
  • More and more employees demand flexibility, personal development, and an employer that cares about the world

Our corporate partners

Employee volunteering made simple

With our platform, it's easy to grow your CSR efforts, help your employees find volunteering opportunities, and make a real contribution.

Benefit from our knowledge

Want to make a real difference but don't know how?

As your CSR and giving partners, we'll help you match our platform with your company culture, and show you how to get the most out of both.

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How Skills Volunteering works

Our platform makes it easy for your employees to connect with volunteering projects that they're truly passionate about.

Turn responsibility into opportunity

  • Social responsibility is about more than just lowering your footprint. It’s also about contributing to the community and greater good.
  • Modern society expects more from our companies. Those with more power are asked to assume more responsibility towards society and the planet.
  • Customers and shareholders gravitate to companies that lead with positive actions, like corporate volunteering. Build a brand they can trust, and they will reward you.

The impact our community has made

Amplify your impact. Minimize your workload.

Developed in close partnership with global CSR leaders, our advanced platform features make your team's lives easier and maximise effectiveness.

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